What started out as just a trip to the airport, became a 5 hour adventure filled with lots of laughter. On May 1st Haiti celebrates what is called International Worker’s Day, which is similar to our Labor Day in the US. One of the ways they celebrate this holiday in Haiti is through an Agriculture Fair.


When we first found out about this Fair I remember Brandon saying that this is a fair with “gwo bef, gwo pwason, e gwo melon.” In other words we would be seeing the largest beef cow, largest Tilapia, and largest watermelon. Exciting I know, who could turn a fair like this down. Pretty much immediately we were all in. We were so in we though we would be able to find the fair on our own. We figured we would possibly look for a sign that said “ gwo bef, gwo pwason, e gwo melon…this way.” Lets just say it was a good thing we followed Pastor Pierre and his family.






There were so many people that it was going to take us nearly 2 hours to go about 1 ½ miles in traffic. Pastor thought it would be a good idea to park our vehicles and either walk or take a moto; most of us were interested in the moto but we walked. In all honesty I really enjoyed the walk and seeing all the street vendors at eye level. It was completely different than when you pass it all in a vehicle.

With in 20min we arrived at our destination, I belief some type of Haiti Agriculture Institute. Couldn’t believe the people, pretty sure half of Haiti was there. Of course there weren’t a lot of Americans. It was funny at one point a girl pointed at Maggie and said “ blan.” Other little girls would touch our skin to get our attention and then smile. Without a doubt we didn’t blend in.

Entrance to our destination


There were anywhere from farm animals (cattle, chickens, geese..), Iquana’s, clay charcoal, various plants, equipment, food/cotton candy and several shops. There were a lot of what looked liked several education booths. In no time we found our “gwo bef,” he seemed to have quite the crowd. Any how the Institutes grounds were filled with several people enjoying an afternoon out with friends and family.

Maggie and I enjoying our vanilla fudge-cicle

After a couple hours we found ourselves heading home, while enjoying a little grilled field corn on our way. So glad we didn’t take a moto, pretty sure we were walking faster than they were driving. The traffic was crazy, and if anyone know Haiti traffic they will also know you never know what to expect. At one point I about jumped into Brooke’s arms as a vehicle passed me, Brooke couldn’t help but giggle.

Ti Bef


Iguana's hiding in the corner

Geese of some sort

It was great to take part in this Haitian Festivity with some of my NVM family as well as the Haitians there. Such an experience of its self, a time where we could get another taste of life in Haiti. No gwo melon, no gwo pwason, and 1 gwo bef.  Thank You Pastor Pierre for taking 5 additional children along with you on your family outing.