Blessings for the Little Girls of Haiti


Elderley and her Father                                            


During the winter of 2010, a lady by the name of Susan Kisinger was in search of helping Haiti following the earthquake. After seeing a variety of pillowcase dresses on display in a library she thought how easily her Grandma could sew these dresses. She decided that her goal was to make a 100 dresses in honor of her Grandma for the little girls of Haiti. Susan was taking back by the support she had received with Grandmothers Little Dresses for Haiti. Her original goal as stated prior was 100, at this point nearly 1,500 pillowcase dresses have been made from 14 different states involving over 120 people. The dresses are distributed in various areas of Haiti including Chambrun, Haiti and on NVM campus.

The many women who have sewn these dresses have also been a blessing to me. You all allow me as well as many others to provide these little girls with such a gift. You see, each day we have several little girls in and out of the clinic. And just about each one of the little girls receive a dress. There eyes immediately gleam and a smile from ear to ear as if we have giving them the world. My heart feels nothing but complete utter joy.

Phlamanda little girl with hydrocephalus

Thank you Little Dresses for Haiti, Grace Community Church small groups, Sandusky Baptist Church Women’s Group, Sandy Shafferan and Central Community Church of Seymour Indiana for taking time in making each dress special. You have blessed the little girls of Haiti.