“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8

Another crazy busy week for everyone here at NVM. Last week we had the honor of working alongside both Mercy Ships Medical Team as well as Living Waters Team medical/carpentry. Mercy Ships spent their time providing mobile medical clinic to Haitians in Onaville, Trou Caiman, and Lycee. Living Waters medical teams’ main focus was providing OBGYN care here at NVM Campus.

For a day I worked in the clinic with Living Waters Medical team. It was so great instead of sending patients out for exams, we were able to perform many of them here on campus and treat them. For the first time we had a lab set up in one of our rooms. For a brief moment I got a feel for what it’s going to be like when we have a lab actually up and running in the hospital. It’s going to be great!

Kimberly you're a pro : )



Sylvia, Syliana, and Christinlove

Primarily I worked alongside Mercy Ships and even better along the side of Sylvia Thacker. For those that don’t know, Sylvia Thacker Senior Team Leader for Mercy Ships, has a heart of gold. Everyday out was great and made a story of its own. However for me one story was more rewarding than all the rest, one that made me say “God you are so good and that ultimately we must trust in You.”

Toward the end of February my team from back home left with a heavy heart due to the unknown destiny of one particular child. A little child that’s mentally challenged,underweight, dehydrated, and in respiratory distress as a result to pneumonia. After lots and lots of education and prayer, they left knowing that they did what they could and the rest is in Gods hands. A child that I know has yet to leave the hearts and prayers of many back home.

Cindy Peterson and Our little buddy in February

So here it was Wednesday and I found myself back in Trou Caima the same village where this little child lives. After all those months of the unknown, I realized that today I may have an answer. It might not be the answer I want, but I will have one. As time was going by I didn’t see any sign of him or mom, and began to think I had my answer. So soon I began to forget about it and occupy my mind with other thoughts and the craziness of the camp. It wasn’t until near the end of the day our NP Kimberly came up to me and began describing her patient to me followed by a few questions. As I was listening to her talk, it all of sudden hit me that this child sounds very much like my little buddy from back in February that both Cindy Peterson and Carlton Osborne had cared for. Without hesitation I asked where he was, as she pointed him out I noticed the back of his head and thought for sure this had to be him. I quickly dropped everything. As I was walking toward him mom turned her head, as our eyes made contact we began to smile. She knew exactly who I was and he too. As I walked toward him and began talking he leaned forward for me to hold him. For a good 10 minutes he lied on my chest. Tears of joy filled my eyes, for I knew this baby was alive through compliance and prayer. 

Mom and Baby

Psalm 113:9 “He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord.”