I often here the echoing in my ears of a phrase my Father frequently used, “ Life just isn’t fair!” This phrase was typically followed by what seemed like real problems for me. I would complain when my older siblings had rights over me, having to follow my parents rules while living at home, having to live on a farm w/chores, or even just loosing a simple basketball game. As years went by my “real life problems” changed. Come to find out the things that I thought were real life problems, weren’t problems at all. They were just apart of what has made me…me.

Since my time in Haiti I have seen what I believe as real life problems or 3rd world country problems. Problems that I once made myself believe weren’t there. Problems that went as far back as the beginning of time when sin first entered with Adam and Eve. Everyday I seem to find myself hearing my fathers words much louder and more frequently.

I would like to share with you 2 stories of infants:

Baby 1 (26 days old)

  • Born at 10months gestation
  • 4.57kg
  • Mom 25 y.o and alive
  • Mom breastfeeds baby
  • Family is supportive
  • Mother lives with the babies father

Baby 2 (25 days old)

  • Born 1month early
  • 1.4kg
  • Mom 19y.o/died 5 days after babies birth related to problems with preeclampsia
  • Mothers cousin who is 18 y.o. cares for the baby and her 1 ½ y.o.
  • Baby drinks sugar water with a little milk
  • Babies father is occasionally around
  • Lacks family support

Now that you have read basic information about them, what do you picture? I’m not asking you to play God but what does their future look like? What will their lives look like 3 years from now? Will they still be so different, will one always be fighting to survive?

One day apart at birth, yet 2 worlds apart from one another. Isn’t that life ? Some are born with money others are not. Some are born with food on their plate, others are born dying of starvation, some children wish their childhood away, while others have theirs stolen, some are forced to go to school, while others are begging to, some turn the faucet on for water while others carry buckets and buckets, some women can bear children others cannot. I could go on and on. Above is just one example, yet it is found worldwide. Country to country, town to town, house to house, and person to person.

How do you get your water?

“There will be no more suffering…”

I am not here to speak of the unfairness of life, because that isn’t what God is showing me. If I want to get caught up in the act of fairness, lets look at Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. I don’t think God wants me preoccupied with these kind of thoughts, even though it is so very easy to do. I wish I could say that each day gets easier, but then I would be lying. Instead I’m learning that my focus is to be on Him with the knowledge that His Spirit will lead me well. I’m not to ignore the needs and unfairness of life but to embrace it. I’m to do the work that glorifies our Heavenly Father, placing the welfare of others before myself whatever that maybe. I’m to be an example of the light, to speak the Truth, and share the Good News of His return when suffering will longer be present. He makes good out of the bad. So yes “Life is Unfair” and yes I will continue to hear my Fathers words echoing in my ears, but I know that He has made a promise and God is FAITHFUL!

“ And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, no sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelations 21:4.

Bernardia still smiling after losing her 15 day old baby in February

Kassan from a family of 7 full of life and love

Embracing the moment with our arms wide open